Monday, January 16, 2012

Spinning Into Control

Just last week, Joanna and I slipped into our brand new spin shoes (mine a Christmas gift from my father-in-law - thanks Reid!). New spin shoes (which lock in to the bike - as opposed to having to strap yourself into a permanent pedal) means a firm commitment to the class that we've been attending now for still under a year.

Please understand - similar to veganism, this is something that I resisted for a LONG time, though I had no explanation as to why. "I don't like gym classes" was the best pathetic excuse I could come up with. I was nervous as hell as I stepped into my first class, and no, I couldn't keep up. I knew, day one, that this would be something I would truly have to work at.

These days we sit in the front row in class, we go three times a week, and I miss it like hell when we're not there. It's a part of our routine and our custom-designed plan for a healthy lifestyle.

 my white Scattante's above, Jo's black Shimano's below

According to, spin class (depending on the resistance level you choose and how much work you put in) can benefit "your heart and lungs ... as well as your gluteus maximus, hamstrings and quadriceps." For me, it's an amazing core workout. You're working your abdominals throughout the entire 45-minute ride.

So if you're looking to change up your workout (yes, variety in your workout(s) is KEY to producing change) or wanting to transform your body (and it has certainly done that for both of us), call your local gyms and ask if they offer spin classes. Or search "spin classes" on Just don't let those pathetic excuses get in the way.

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